Lunascape Localizer User Guide

Thank you for joining the mission to make our triple engine browser more broadly available. This is a new and on-going project that evolves with your feedback.

How to contribute

Suggesting translations

Once you have registered and configured your settings, you can start making translation suggestions for the languages you have selected. This includes translation suggestions for untranslated phrases and editing suggestions for phrases you believe are incorrect.

To do this, simply overwrite the phrase in the box on the right side (insert a phrase if empty) and click "Suggest".

You can start from the top of a file, or click "xx words need attention". This typically indicates untranslated words or incorrect words, but there is a caveat. As this system is closely linked to the production process, many of the untranslated phrases are pre-filled with English and not recognized as untranslated. So even when translation of a particular file is listed as "complete", it does not necessarily mean that the translation is accurate. It just means that all phrases have a non-empty translation box.

As a workaround, some phrases are marked as "fuzzy" to indicate a problematic translation or untranslated words, but we are not always up-to-date on that.

If you know the exact phrase you would like to correct (that word that's been bugging you all this time!), you may want to use the search function in the top right corner (or top left, in the case of, e.g., Arabic user interface) to find the phrase.You might want to know where a particular phrase appears in the browser in order to translate accurately. In that case, please refer to the "List of menus and dialogs" below.

And last but not least, please read the "Translation guide" below to learn how to handle string length and special characters before diving in.

Thanks so much!

Reviewing/approving/submitting translations

In order for your suggestions to be applied to the product, they need to be reviewed and submitted in the localizer by someone who has that privilege. Once a language project gets going, we will form a group for each language, and reviewer(s) will be elected by the group.

We are firming up the details of this process at the moment and will contact registered users about the next step.

Please note that a language group needs to have at least 2 volunteer users in order to elect reviewer(s) and to apply translations to a product.

How your contributions appear in the browser

Lunascape official languages and newly added European languages:

Reviewed edits and translations will be incorporated in the subsequent release. Please note that the exact timing of new version releases and the cut-off time for translations to be included in a particular version will be at the discretion of Lunascape.

New languages:

Once all the necessary translation and review is done for a language, Lunascape will publish it as a user translated version within a reasonable time frame using the most recently released browser version at that time.

So let's take it from here - we'll update this process together as we go along. Please let us know if you have any questions or suggestions via our Support Forum. We very much appreciate your participation in this project.


For instructions concerning special characters and string length limits, refer to our

Download a list of menus and dialogs with the locations of their strings in Lunascape Localizer:

For help on Pootle, have a look at:

The Pootle documentation is also available in the following languages:

If you would like to translate the user interface of this Pootle server itself, please visit

[This user guide is work in progress and subject to change. <Last updated August 25, 2010>]