
Lunascape Community

Lunascape evolves with you. Come join us and other users at these spots to give feedback, get help, discuss a wide range of topics, and get involved.

Support Forum

Visit here to get help, give help, report bugs, and request a feature. Your input helps us to improve Lunascape.

Lunascape Help

This is a revised Online Help. Come here to learn how to use and customize Lunascape.

Developer Resources

Do you want to lend a hand in making Lunascape more useful? Check this out for instructions for skins, plug-ins, etc.

Translate / Localize Lunascape

Would you like to let us know language mistakes in current versions or volunteer for translating Lunascape to your language? Join us here.

Buttons and Banners

Helps us spread the word by putting these on your sites.

Get Social

Join us here to interact with the team and other users.

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