There is a typo in the window caption.
When Gecko or Webkit is set as default engine then the window caption currently is: "Lunascape6 - [
nLadevorgang läuft...]".
File comment: Gecko engine set as default
WindowCaptionGecko.jpg [ 8.22 KiB | Viewed 853 times ]
File comment: Webkit engine set as default
WindowCaptionWebkit.jpg [ 6.44 KiB | Viewed 853 times ]
Correction: "Lunascape6 - [Ladevorgang läuft...]" (no leading "n" in the Word "Ladevorgang").
The caption of the tabs seems to be ok.
If Trident is set as default engine then the window caption currently is: "Lunascape6 - [Ladevorgang läuft
File comment: Trident engine set as default
WindowCaptionTrident.jpg [ 6.72 KiB | Viewed 853 times ]
Correction: "Lunascape6 - [Ladevorgang läuft...]" (no trailing "t" in the word "läuft").