Because there is no LunaScape 7 topic yet I've decided to make one, albeit temporary.LS7 was released as an alpha recently and I think it's new Brain Wave Operation compatibility with the OCZ Neural Impulse Actuator is a brilliant feature. Unfortunately I do not have the headset to try it out so I can't comment on that.
When I saw this posted on the blog (I read it at April 1st BST, as it was posted April 1st JST) I thought it was another April Fools joke that was like last year's Opera Face Gestures that caught a lot of us out. But when I downloaded from the link and installed it, it wasn't a joke. LS actually does have support for it and I'm really eager to try it out.
Thank you Lunascape devs, you've given me and possibly others another great reason why LS leads the field IMO.