Lunascape Support Forum

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 Post subject: What features do we need on this support forum?
PostPosted: Thu Jun 10, 2010 1:39 pm 
Hi everyone,

I've mentioned it couple of times in some of my replies, but we're planning to expand the current Lunascape Support Forum features I know a lot of you have asked us to enable a user registration. Yes, we'd love to do so right a way :!: However, since we're considering to implement different software, we'd like to hold on to the opportunity just to avoid having you register twice in different systems.

I've been thinking for a while about what features we should provide you :roll: .... but really, a key to build a better user community is YOU ;) So, I'm really curious to know what YOU want in Lunascape user community.

Any suggestions Let me hear you, please


 Post subject: Re: What features do we need?
PostPosted: Thu Jun 10, 2010 3:46 pm 
We need access to the searchable bug tracker to search, list, and review the current (and fixed) Lunascape bugs. And be able for contributors to help by submitting actual,real bug reports.

Obviously the Lunascape developers do not use this forum. I'm sure they keep track of their outstanding work and outstanding bugs in a real bug tracker. Can you open that to the public web so contributors can review and search it as well?

Then we can get a true idea if any issues we like to report have already been reported or not. Trawling through a forum without identifiable details is not a good way to review the outstanding issues of a software project.

 Post subject: Re: What features do we need?
PostPosted: Thu Jun 10, 2010 3:48 pm 
And a forum doesn't allow us to keep track of the fixing status for bugs nor are we able to get any notification of the progress of fixing them.

 Post subject: Re: What features do we need?
PostPosted: Thu Jun 10, 2010 4:04 pm 
Hi bksening,

Thanks for your suggestions!

Yes, I totally agree with you, and I'll definitely work towards that idea.

We do have our own bug tracking system, but opening it up to the public "as-is" is a slight a challenge since Lunascape is made in Japan. Just like how it is for this Forum, there is a language barrier. So, we'll probably need a separate system to share bug reports and their status with you guys.


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