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 Post subject: Several suggestions
PostPosted: Wed Sep 23, 2009 1:23 am 
By accident I found your browser (yesterday evening) and I like the idea of it very much. Especially as it works good and fast. I'll do some more testing with version 5.15.
What I like most is the possibility to install it as portable application during installation and also the possibility to maximize the browser area using F12. Very useful feature.

Now to my improvement suggestions I found so far (Some may be actually bugs):
- Gestures: Add the option to show a trail (A line which shows the way the mouse was moved)
- Gestures: make "Down"+"Right" the default for closing a tab. This one is used by opera and all the gesture add-ons of Firefox
- Gestures: make it possible to change existing mouse gestures. If it's possible already, then at least I haven't found out how to do it.
- Gestures: allow e.g "up" movement over link to load link in new tab (maybe also in background if user wants to)
- add support for back/forward keys which some mice offer

- Add posibility to open a tab in background, i.e. without focussing on the new tab, especially when using e.g. middle mouse button on a link to open in new tab.

- (maybe a bug) add support for ATOM feeds. Example selcting an entry from feed opens a new tab and shows loading, but nothing else happens.

German translation:
- There are several things where the translated text is started with an "n" character.
- If an translation is too long, i.e. needs two lines instead of one, following options should be moved donw a bit. In german translation this happen in Lunascape preferences->Mouse actions->on Tab (Original german:Lunascape-Einstellungen->Mausaktion->Auf Tab option: "Aktualisierung überspringen für ein schnelles Umschalten zwischen den Tabs mit dem Mausrad" is too long, the following option is unreadable)

- when I imported my bookmarks from firefox an toolbar at the top was created containing the favorites. I closed it so it's gone, but I haven't found out yet how to acivate again.

- add possibility to show e.g. lines within the favorites. This would help to separate specific favorites thus giving the user a better overview. (like it is possible with firefox)

- add a private mode (which gets standard more and mores). In that mode no cookies are saved or caching is done, no saves in history etc. So noone can lateron see which pages have been visited or what the user has done there.
- reduce space requirements on harddrive (this one is not that important, but should kept in mind, 80MB with webkit and gecko engine is a lot for portable usage)
- add option to minimize the lunascape window to tray icon. I love this as it then does not occupy that much space on the windows taskbar.
- add possibility to shwitch the used engine with an hotkey or even better by clicking an icon in the statusbar

I just want to highlight: I'm really impressed of the features of Lunascape so far. There are some very nice details which I like very much. I will definitely further test it and maybe also keep it using.

I hope you will conider some of the above things for implementation in near future.

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 Post subject: Re: Several suggestions
PostPosted: Wed Sep 23, 2009 1:42 am 
Just one more suggestion:
- add posibiltiy to open a e.g. HTML-file and at that time define which engine should be used to open that file.
- add possibility when entering an URL to define which engine should be used to open it.

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 Post subject: Re: Several suggestions
PostPosted: Wed Sep 23, 2009 1:48 am 
And a bug I think:
- Opening a local copy of Tiddlywiki ( or a newly created one gives at the top right corner a text "backstage" which is created by javascript. Gecko engine shows it, rident engine shows it, webkit engine does not (Google chrome does). So there seems to be some problem with the webkit enigine.

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 Post subject: Re: Several suggestions
PostPosted: Thu Sep 24, 2009 5:29 pm 
Hi Charly, thanks for using Lunascape and thanks for your suggestions. That's quite a lot and I need a bit of time to digest and report back to dev team. Let me do that first and I will get back to you if any of these turn out to be a bug.

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 Post subject: Re: Several suggestions
PostPosted: Fri Oct 02, 2009 2:52 pm 
Hi Charly, thanks again for your suggestions and comments. We hope you got more used to Lunascape by now. I just wanted to get back to you with a few things.

Mouse Gesture: You can change mouse gesture to anyway you like. Tools>Lunascape Settings>Mouse Action>Mouse Gesture

Tab: You can open tab in background - you can set it in various way at Tools>Lunascape Settings>Tab>Open tab (and others if you like to customize more)

Feeds: I checked the ATOM link, we will look into it.

Translation: thanks I will move this section to Language part of the forum for everybody's benefit

Private mode: You can erase history with Lunascape as well. Tools>Privacy>Clear History

Minimize to task tray: F9 will do

Switching engine: You can also chance it by clicking icon on the left bottom corner

Happy Browsing!

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 Post subject: Re: Several suggestions
PostPosted: Tue Dec 15, 2009 8:28 pm 
Hello Everybody, i just discovered your fantastic browser, and i'm enjoying it so far. One thing i can't seem to make it do is open tabs in background window. So i googled and landed on this forum. Another person seemed to have the same question and it was answered like so >>Hi Charly, thanks again for your suggestions and comments. We hope you got more used to Lunascape by now. I just wanted to get back to you with a few things.

Tab: You can open tab in background - you can set it in various way at Tools>Lunascape Settings>Tab>Open tab (and others if you like to customize more)<<

I was there before and after reading this answer, i can follow your answer up until the "Open tab". I found the tab section but no "open tab in background or new tab in background" window button . My new question is now how have you labeled the button for this setting ? I'm sorry but i can't find this button. Can you please help me a little bit ?

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 Post subject: Re: Several suggestions
PostPosted: Sat Jan 16, 2010 11:55 am 
Hi Rohan, welcome to Lunascape. Sorry that my answer wasn't thorough.
Once you are on Open Tab, check off of the first item "Activate the new tab". That will open a tab on background without activating it. I know these naming conventions are a bit confusing...
Last bumped by Anonymous on Sat Jan 16, 2010 11:55 am.

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