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Updated Lunascape [French] from version control
Before update: 3451 of 3601 messages translated (142 fuzzy).
Remote copy: 3482 of 3626 messages translated (144 fuzzy).
After update: 3482 of 3626 messages translated (144 fuzzy).
admin committed /fr/lunascape/Lunascape2_STRING.po to version control: 1355 of 1414 messages translated (58 fuzzy).
admin committed /fr/lunascape/Lunascape2_DIALOG.po to version control: 954 of 976 messages translated (18 fuzzy).
admin committed /fr/lunascape/Lunascape2_MENU.po to version control: 639 of 641 messages translated (2 fuzzy).
admin committed /fr/lunascape/ProfileManager.po to version control: 131 of 150 messages translated (18 fuzzy).
admin committed /fr/lunascape/FeedBackReport.po to version control: 21 of 24 messages translated (1 fuzzy).
admin committed /fr/lunascape/DownloadManager.po to version control: 7 of 9 messages translated (2 fuzzy).
admin committed /fr/lunascape/BCGControlBar.po to version control: 232 of 240 messages translated (8 fuzzy).
admin committed /fr/lunascape/lang.po to version control: 94 of 108 messages translated (14 fuzzy).
admin committed /fr/lunascape/Lunascape2_STRING.po to version control: 1355 of 1414 messages translated (58 fuzzy).
admin committed /fr/lunascape/Lunascape2_DIALOG.po to version control: 954 of 976 messages translated (18 fuzzy).
admin committed /fr/lunascape/Lunascape2_MENU.po to version control: 639 of 641 messages translated (2 fuzzy).
admin committed /fr/lunascape/ProfileManager.po to version control: 131 of 150 messages translated (18 fuzzy).
admin committed /fr/lunascape/FeedBackReport.po to version control: 21 of 24 messages translated (1 fuzzy).
admin committed /fr/lunascape/DownloadManager.po to version control: 7 of 9 messages translated (2 fuzzy).
admin committed /fr/lunascape/BCGControlBar.po to version control: 232 of 240 messages translated (8 fuzzy).
cecilia committed /fr/lunascape/Lunascape2_STRING.po to version control: 1355 of 1414 messages translated (58 fuzzy).
cecilia committed /fr/lunascape/Lunascape2_DIALOG.po to version control: 954 of 976 messages translated (18 fuzzy).
cecilia committed /fr/lunascape/Lunascape2_MENU.po to version control: 639 of 641 messages translated (2 fuzzy).
cecilia committed /fr/lunascape/ProfileManager.po to version control: 131 of 150 messages translated (18 fuzzy).
cecilia committed /fr/lunascape/FeedBackReport.po to version control: 21 of 24 messages translated (1 fuzzy).
cecilia committed /fr/lunascape/DownloadManager.po to version control: 7 of 9 messages translated (2 fuzzy).
cecilia committed /fr/lunascape/BCGControlBar.po to version control: 232 of 240 messages translated (8 fuzzy).
cecilia committed /fr/lunascape/Gecko.po to version control: 9 of 9 messages translated (0 fuzzy).
Gecko.po fully translated
Project now at: 3451 of 3601 messages translated (142 fuzzy).
cecilia committed /fr/lunascape/lang.po to version control: 95 of 108 messages translated (13 fuzzy).
Updated Lunascape [French] from version control
Before update: 0 of 21 messages translated (21 fuzzy).
After update: 0 of 21 messages translated (21 fuzzy).
cecilia committed /fr/lunascape/Setup.po to version control: 0 of 21 messages translated (21 fuzzy).
Updated Lunascape [French] from version control
Before update: 94 of 107 messages translated (13 fuzzy).
After update: 95 of 108 messages translated (13 fuzzy).
cecilia committed /fr/lunascape/lang.po to version control: 94 of 107 messages translated (13 fuzzy).