checking isfuzzy, untranslated
Original Translation
You can add buttons and items to toolbars by selecting a category and a command, then drag-and-drop the command' to a toolbar.
Add your preferred buttons and items to a toolbar or menu bar of your choice by selecting a category and then moving items from 'Commands' to the toolbar or menu bar by drag-and-drop.
Панели инструментов
&Панели инструментов:
Reset &All
Сбросить &все
&Show text labels
&Показать текстовые надписи
Toolbars can be reset to their original state. To modify an add-on toolbar, close this dialog box and access it from View>Toolbars.
Toolbars can be reset to their original state. To reset an add-on toolbar, close the dialog box and reset the toolbar via the 'View' menu.