Home > Lunascape Help > Customizing Settings > Backup > Recovering Contents from Auto Backup
Recovering Contents from Auto Backup Lunascape automatically saves content in the forms (such as, e-mail content, blog post, etc.) as you go along.
You can recover the "Lost" content from one of the following ways:
- If you had hit a Forward button by accident: Just click on the "Back" button
- If you had hit a Forward button by accident: Just click on the "Forward" button
- If you have closed the tab by accident: From the menu Edit select "Undo" (You can also use the shortcut [Ctrl+Z] to restore a closed tab)
"Back" or "Forward" buttons sometimes may not work properly for this purpose. In this case, try the "Undo" command from the Edit menu.
※NOTE: There are possibilities that some contents in forms cannot be recovered no matter what.
See also