Home > Lunascape Help > Customizing Settings > Favorites > Restoring Favorites from a Backup File
Restoring Favorites from a Backup File
Locating the Backup Files
The backup file can be located from the Menu bar.
- Go to File > User Profiles > Open Folder
- You'll see the following folders. Click the Profile folder.
- Click the Favorites folder to see Favorites backup files.
The definitions of two files for favorite backing up process are as
- default.ld2: Favorites data which is currently used in
- default.ld2.bak: Backup file that is copied from the
default.ld2 when the program is last closed.
Restoring the Backup Files
Follow steps below to restore the Favorites.
- Open the Favorite folder (see instructions above)
- Change the file name of <default.ld2> and
- Change the file name of <default.ld2.bak> to <default.ld2>
and save
At the next startup of Lunascape, the backup file will be used for the
See also