Hi Ariana_FFD,
Thank you for using Lunasapce.
At first, about changing the default engine, there are few ways to do so.
-From the rendering engine selection button in the address bar.
1.Right-Click on the rendering engine selection button to open up a menu
2.Select Change Default Engine
3.Select a default engine and click select
You can also set from Lunascape Settings or from Engine Icon in the left bottom corner. For details, please refer our help file.
http://help.lunascape.tv/LunascapeHelp- ... ult_engineFor the RSS feeds set-up, please tell us which RSS feed you are mentioning. There are three ways to dipsplay them. 1) Side Bar display, 2)feed bar display, 3)ticker display at the top right hand corner.
You can also refer our help file:
http://help.lunascape.tv/LunascapeHelp- ... pageid=rssFinally, the issue on the requiring Log In, have you been saving your passwords in Gecko engine? If so, could you check if the passwords have been saved in the following location?
Lunascape Settings>Rendering Engine>Gecko>Gecko Options>Security>Saved Passwords
If you have been using other engines, please tell us the rendering engine you have problem with and the detail site information that you are asked to log in.