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Posts Tagged ‘Multitasking

Are You Multi-Tasking with Your Browser?

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Yesterday, the Google Operating System has announced that Google is testing to allow multiple accounts log-ins to its applications, such as, Gmail, Google Calender, Google Reader, etc. It should be an exciting news for those who has been switching back and forth between two web browsers just to stay on-line with both of your personal and business accounts at once, such as, in Gmail.

But if you’ve used Lunascape, this news won’t sounds as exciting as others to you. Because of its unique features of Triple Engine, Lunascape browser has been offering users capability to log-in multiple accounts with ANY applications, not just Google applications.

Multiple Account Log-in to Gmail with Lunascape 6

Why bothered switching back and forth between different browsers when you can do multi-task in ONE browser? Lunascape is the ONLY web browser, which offers users multiple account log-ins as well as being multi-tasking at once!

Try it for yourself! Download the latest version of Lunascape.

Written by Sakiko Takeda

07/15/2010 at 2:38 pm