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Archive for the ‘Tips & Tricks’ Category

iLunascape 3.1.0 Released with Migration Tool

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As we mentioned about a month ago, we’d made a big change to iLunascape app for version 3. Previously there were separate apps for iPhone/iPod touch and iPad, but from 3.0.0 , they’ve been united as universal app.

But, due to its transition, we still have 2 apps, namely iLunascape and iLunascape Lite. We are planning to beef up iLunascape (not lite) from here on and encourage everyone who uses iLunascape Lite (most likely someone who previously installed iLunascape for iPhone) to migrate to iLunascape. (Yes, it’s free, so why not?)

In order to support migration, we have prepared a little data transfer tool with 3.1.0. With this feature, you can transfer your data in iLunascape Lite to iLunascape via Dropbox. Data that can be transferred are Settings, Bookmarks, Downloaded Files, Homepage, and History.

Please note, however, that such transferred data will overwrite the existing data in iLunascape and do not merge. No issue if you install iLunascape for the first time, but if you have been using it for iPad and else, please be careful. We are planning to provide more robust (and perhaps easier) migration tool later on.

Step-by-Step instruction of the migration is available here. This information can be also accessed via iLunascape How To page (at FAQ section) and initial bookmarks.

Hope all goes well and please let us know if you have any trouble doing the transfer!

Written by Yuki Sekiguchi

07/29/2011 at 12:13 am

Tips: Boost Your Productivity by Using Tab Group

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Do you tend to open the same Web sites every day? If so, try using the Tab Group with the Lunascape browser to make your daily life a bit easier.

Tab Group

A tab group is a grouping of your favorites pages. You can save multiple Web sites into one tab group and position it in your Link bar for easy access. For instance, you can save Facebook, Twitter, MySpace Web sites all into one tab group named “SNS” and place it in your link bar, so that you can open those three sites with one single click.

1: While opening Web sites that you want to save as a tab group, go to Favorites > Add Group/Organize > Add Tab Group…

2: Select the pages you’d like to save as a tab group. In this case, selecting all three pages and click “Add as Group”.

3:Name the title as “SNN” and click “OK”.

4: The Tab Group “SNN” will show up on your Link Bar.

(Please refer to the Lunascape Help for how to change the Link Bar reference)

5: By clicking the “SNN” tab group, you can open three Web pages at once.

You can repeat the steps to create different Tab Groups and make your Lunascape browser work for you!

Written by Sakiko Takeda

11/01/2010 at 3:04 pm

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Tips: How to Review “Welcome Page” Once Again

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Do you remember seeing “Welcome to Lunascape” page with basic information when you installed Lunascape? We had updated it in the last few months and translated to each language as well.

We understand that the page quickly disappears while you are dealing with setting and add-on import, and thought some of you might want to review that once again to get you going smoothly.

I will list the page in each language below. Is there any more useful information we should add to this page? Is there anything unclear? Let us know your suggestions.

That’s it for today. Have a great weekend, everyone.
(For those in the US, happy labor day weekend!)

Written by Yuki Sekiguchi

09/03/2010 at 3:48 pm

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Tips: Auto-Reload and Double-Click to Close a Tab

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The Lunascape browser is feature-rich. It has many out-of-the-box features to accommodate users’ needs while other browsers have to fill the gap with Add-ons.

One of the great feature is the Auto-Reload. You can set the Auto-Reload in each tabs and choose preset or custom interval to reload a page automatically. This is very useful in many ways. For instance, if you are a big fan of a auction site, such as eBay, wanting to watch every seconds of closing bid moment, or if you are hooked on a Social Network Site, such as Facebook, being obsessed over new posts on your wall, or if you are not happy with a loading speed of incoming mails in Webmail.

Right-Click Menu on a Tab

Another great feature is double-click to close a tab. Yes, just double-click on a tab you want to close. It’s that simple. Some users prefer a cleaner look on their tabs, so they decide to hide a close button on the tab title bars and realize “Okay, so what do I do to close a tab?!” Well, eventually they’ll figure it out easily ‘coz double-click to close a tab is so look-and-feel.

In case if you’re wondering how to hide a close button, you can do so by the Lunascape Settings. Go to Tab > General and choose your option from the button settings section.

Have more fun using the Lunascape browser :D

Written by Sakiko Takeda

08/05/2010 at 11:59 am

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Tips: Easy Capturing of Whole Page

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One of the tools I love with Lunascape is capturing a whole Web page as an image. How is this useful? Well, it is useful because I can capture “whole” page, not just what is being displayed with my browser in my monitor.

I assume many of you usually use your computer’s “print screen” feature or some other image capturing tools when you want to take a screen shot of what you’re viewing on your window (monitor). Those works great if you want to capture things outside of your browser, such as, taking a screen shot of software you use.

However, if you want to take a screen shot of what you’re viewing on your browser, use this feature! Let’s say you want to find out what kind of cell phone plans are available to you. So, you go to a Web site (I’ll use AT&T as an example).

Below is what you’d probably see in your browser, and this is a screen shot taken by using “print screen” feature in my PC.

This is what you're viewing with your browser

This is what you're viewing with your browser

Now, you see this screen shot actually captures things like I probably do not want to capture, such as, my browser’s Toolbar, or tabs, etc. Yet, it is not capturing what I want to capture, like all the plans available on this Web site — it captures only ‘Nation Plans’.

And what I really want to capture is this whole page where I can view all the plans at once!

Capturing a Whole Page as an Image with Lunascape

How to do this? It’s simple :D

Lunascape's Capturing Whole Page as Image Feature

Written by Sakiko Takeda

07/20/2010 at 12:56 pm

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