The Lunascape Blog

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iLunascape 3.1.0 Released with Migration Tool

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As we mentioned about a month ago, we’d made a big change to iLunascape app for version 3. Previously there were separate apps for iPhone/iPod touch and iPad, but from 3.0.0 , they’ve been united as universal app.

But, due to its transition, we still have 2 apps, namely iLunascape and iLunascape Lite. We are planning to beef up iLunascape (not lite) from here on and encourage everyone who uses iLunascape Lite (most likely someone who previously installed iLunascape for iPhone) to migrate to iLunascape. (Yes, it’s free, so why not?)

In order to support migration, we have prepared a little data transfer tool with 3.1.0. With this feature, you can transfer your data in iLunascape Lite to iLunascape via Dropbox. Data that can be transferred are Settings, Bookmarks, Downloaded Files, Homepage, and History.

Please note, however, that such transferred data will overwrite the existing data in iLunascape and do not merge. No issue if you install iLunascape for the first time, but if you have been using it for iPad and else, please be careful. We are planning to provide more robust (and perhaps easier) migration tool later on.

Step-by-Step instruction of the migration is available here. This information can be also accessed via iLunascape How To page (at FAQ section) and initial bookmarks.

Hope all goes well and please let us know if you have any trouble doing the transfer!

Written by Yuki Sekiguchi

07/29/2011 at 12:13 am

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