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Verion 6.1 RC is now open for a test drive

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Hi guys,

Hope you are enjoying early sign of spring.

As we promised, we have worked on a lot of bug fixing and prepared a test version (RC: Release Candidate) of the next release 6.1. Total number of new feature & improvement is 31 and bug fix is 98, to be exact. Whew. We certainly hope that we fixed many of your concerns. (You can check out nuts and blots of what changed here.)

The test version is available only in English, but if you could try out and see what you asked have been implemented or fixed, we’d appreciate it very much. If you find issues, please report them to our support forum. We may not be able to respond to them as we normally do, but we’d certainly get your feedback into finalizing the next version.

You can download the test version here. We appreciate your feedback as always.

Written by Yuki Sekiguchi

03/25/2010 at 11:05 am

Posted in News

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