The Lunascape Blog

A New Lunascape Official Blog!

New Year, New Update: ver.1.1.1 release on 1/11/11

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2011 is the year of rabbit according to the Chinese zodiac and/or the Japanese Eto. The year of rabbit means that it’s going to be a slow-paced, quiet and peaceful, yet inspiring, positive and energetic year. Many of you may have new year’s resolutions, and I’ve asked users what should be our (Lunascape’s) resolution for this year. The answers are to make the Lunascape faster and to allow bookmarks import/export in an html file format. Ah, it sounds so basic and must-have features for the Web browsers that we must carry out! Well, this is a bit detailed resolutions, but I think this year Lunascape should focus more on its inner growth. We may not look dramatically changed or different from outside, but inside, we should mature the features we have, improving its usability/looks & feels and eliminating as many open bugs as possible to prepare for much more high-paced, aggressive year of Tiger in 2012.

To start our new year, we’ve released an updates for the iLunascape Lite for iPhone. It’s version 1.1.1 released yesterday on 2011/01/11 (JST). Now, you can open links in new background tabs and open bookmarks in new tabs! This version also fixed the occasional crash issue when zooming in/out Web sites in the browser, providing better user experience.

We hope you’ll enjoy this new features of iLunascape and wish you a much-loved and prosperity year of 2011.


Written by Sakiko Takeda

01/11/2011 at 1:19 pm

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