The Lunascape Blog

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Lunascape ver. 6.4.5 Release: Update to Address Security Vulnerability on Gecko

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We’re releasing Lunascape version 6.4.5 in response to the recent update of Firefox 3.5.18, which has an update to HTTPS certificates blacklist. According to the Mozilla Security Blog, impact to users is stated as below. Lunascape strongly suggests its users to update to Lunascape 6.4.5.

Users on a compromised network could be directed to sites using the fraudulent certificates and mistake them for the legitimate sites. This could deceive them into revealing personal information such as usernames and passwords. It may also deceive users into downloading malware if they believe it’s coming from a trusted site.

We’re also making Gecko plug-in 3.6.16 available for Lunascape 6.4.5, which has the same update. You can download it from the Luna Labs if you prefer to use Gecko engine equivalent to Firefox 3.6 series with Lunascape browser.

Written by Sakiko Takeda

03/30/2011 at 11:13 am

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