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Posts Tagged ‘Gecko

Lunascape version 6.3.4 Release: Gecko Update

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Lunascape ver. 6.3.4 is now available to download. We strongly recommend to upgrade your Lunascape to this latest version because it includes Gecko 3.5.15 that has fixed a critical security issue reported by Firefox earlier this fall. You can also plug in Gecko 3.6.12 available from the Luna Lab to the Lunascape if you’d prefer it.

We’ve also fixed two bugs that has been reported by several users. Now, the Google Toolbar will be displayed on toolbar without any errors. Also, if you’ve been having trouble with your font size, it will stay fixed according to your settings in Lunascape with Trident engine.

This release would be the last minor updates in the Lunascape ver. 6.3.x., and we’ll be now focusing more on the 6.5 Beta and new releases.

Written by Sakiko Takeda

12/02/2010 at 11:24 am

Lunascape version 6.3.2 Release: Gecko Update

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Lunascape ver.6.3.2 is available to download from the Web site today. We’ve updated the Gecko version to 3.5.13 and fixed four Gecko related bugs.

One of the bugs fixed is “Lunascape does not remember log in information.” I know quite many users had this issue, and it has finally been fixed.

Also, with the ver.6.3.2, you can try using the Gecko ver.3.6.10 available in the Luna Labs.

Please try it yourself and let us know if you have any questions or request!

Written by Sakiko Takeda

10/06/2010 at 4:02 pm

Posted in Lunascape, News, Release Info

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Lunascape Version 6.3.1 Release: Responding to the Windows Vulnerability

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We’re releasing the Lunascape version 6.3.1 today, corresponding the vulnerability notes VU#707943 released by the US-CERT (United States Comupter Emergency Readiness Team) on August 25th, 2010.

Vulnerability Notes VU#707943:

Microsoft Windows based applications may insecurely load dynamic libraries


Some applications for Microsoft Windows may use unsafe methods for determining how to load DLLs. As a result, these applications can be forced to load a DLL from an attacker-controlled source rather than a trusted location.

Lunascape 6.3.1 is implemented a protection against the vulnerability of Microsoft Windows and has 5 bug fixes. We highly recommend upgrading your Lunascape browser. Also, we’ve updated the Gecko engine 3.6.8 for Lunascape ver. 3.6.1. IF you’d like the Gecko engine swap, please get the updated version of the Gecko engine through the Luna Labs. Hope you all will enjoy it.

Written by Sakiko Takeda

09/24/2010 at 11:36 am

Lunascape Version 6.3 Release: New Installer, Localized Search Engines, and Gecko Upgrade to 3.5.11

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We’re releasing a Lunascape ver.6.3. today! The significant change is our installer, which now consolidates different languages versions into one. You can select your language from the drop-down box at the very beginning of the installation wizard.

You’ll see this dialogue only if you’re newly installing the Lunascape ver.6.3, or upgrading from ver.6.2 to ver.6.3 with different language selection. For more information, you can check the FAQ - Installer looks different in v.6.3. What’s going on? in the Lunascape Help.

Another nice change in this release is localized Search Engines. As mentioned at the blog entry for ver.6.2. announcement, the Lunascape now comes with tailored Search Engines for each languages as a default, making users’ daily browser operations easier. Of cause, you can still add or delete the Search Engines for your convenience, but this is another ‘productivity boost’ features that we offer following after the Highlighted Search.

We have worked on 108 bug fixes with this version, plus renewed our download icon . Moreover, it comes with an upgraded version of Gecko 3.5.11. with an option to swap it to Gecko 3.6.8. (download available from the Luna Lab).

For more details, please refer to the release note. We hope you’ll enjoy it!!

We have another announcement coming up tomorrow, so please stay tuned :D

Written by Sakiko Takeda

08/24/2010 at 6:06 pm

Without further ado, here comes the ver 6.2!

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Hi guys,

I know you have been waiting for this quite some time. Version 6.2 is finally here. Let me tell you, this release is intense.

First off, 2 new big features.

#1: We have added a nifty “highlighted search” feature. Simply highlighting any word or phrase will give you a pop-up with search selection. Now you can search or look up a word with just 2 steps. Yes, you could do this by copy & paste to search box or right-clicking in certain engines. However, this is much faster. Just try it - you’ll see how much easier you life gets.

We have further localized search selection for this function. We have not adjusted default setting for existing search box yet, but that kind of house keeping is on its way.

As in everything else with Lunascape, you can customize the search selection to your liking and you can do so in the settings sidebar (Alt+4).

There is one thing we have to warn you and owe you an apology. In the settings, this “highlighted search” function is noted as “trace search” in English and possibly in other languages. It was a mistake on our end. Somehow the literal translation from Japanese got in a way. We’ll straighten this up. So please let us know, if the name is funny in your language as well.

#2: We have added a mighty “swap Gecko engines” feature. Many of you wanted to use 3.6.x Gecko engine, but we have been packing it with 3.5.x for reasons such as security, add-on compatibilities, and so on. So, here is the deal. We have certain recommendations and package our versions that way, but you get to choose which gecko version you’d use with it. This is still in development and has to be used with caution. Unless you know exactly what you are doing, please do not jump right in. We have added a new Luna Labs page on this blog and put out the details there. If you are interested, please read the page carefully.

Next up is a couple of announcements.

#1: Added translation guidance docs to Lunascape Localizer. These describe how to deal with special characters and string length specific to languages, as well as walk you through how to find specific Lunascape UI (such as menu) in Localizer. We’ll talk about it in more details at another time, but we are organizing volunteer groups to translate Lunascape to more languages. So if you are interested in helping us localize, please register here.

#2: System requirements changed. Windows 2000 users and Windows XP (without service pack) users, attention please. From this version onward, we no longer support Windows 2000 when you use Gecko or WebKit engines. Additionally, we do not support XP without service pack, when you use Gecko engine. So, overall, if you’d like to use triple engine, then you gotta have XP SP1 or later, vista, 7, server 2003 or 2008. If this cause tremendous pain in your situation, please let us know via Support Forum.

Other than that, we have about a dozen of new & improved features and 40 bug fixes. Please check Release Note for details.

We are having a super busy summer and lots of good stuff is cooking. We will be able to share some more exciting news within the next month. So please stay tuned!

Written by Yuki Sekiguchi

07/27/2010 at 4:30 pm